HSA Joint Sports (Hmar)

HSA CCPUR joint College Sports


It is hereby notified inviteed to all that a Joint College Sports of HSA Registered Colleges will be held on 15 &16th Ocotber 2021.
Any forms of intoxicants are not welcomed under any circumstances. Failure of which shall be taken strict action accordingly.

Programmes/items listed below with respective dates:

15th October
1. 1,000 metre race, Boys & Girls (incharge-VK Tawna College)
2. 100 metre race, Boys & Girls (incharge-Rayburn College)
3. Relay race mix 3/3 (incharge- CGC Unit)
4. Football Boy & Girls
5. Volleyball Boys & Girls
6. Long jump (incharge- Rayburn College)
7. Throw ball Girls (incharge-VK Tawna College)

16th OCtober
1. High Jump (incharge-Don Bosco Unit)
2. spoon race (incharge-CGC Unit)
3. 3 legged race (incharge-Rayburn College)
4. Tug of War (incharge-VK Tawna College)
5. Football
6. Volleyball 

Only 4 participants will be allowed per units.

Sd/ Info Secretary

Hmunpuia kîr

Chanchinthar dang

©Hmar Students' Association, Churachandpur Joint Headquarters

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