Lalruong lungkap

Lalruong Lungkap (Lalruong’s stone)

This stone, located at Patpuihmun village in Hmar Hills, Manipur, sported several holes
 supposedly created by arrowheads.
Legend has it that the see-through holes were pierced
 by the arrows of Lalruong, the legendary hero in Hmar folktales.

Villagers say the stone was
 very large in earlier times and that as many as 6 people can have their ‘sunbu’ (lunch) on top of it.

However, with weathering and lack of awareness about the importance of this magnificent piece of
 history, Lalruong Lungkap 
has been reduced to a ‘small’ structure. If there is no proper protection in
the next 10 to 20 years, it is likely to vanish forever!

Photo by: HK Loma; Texts:


Lalruong Lungkap is one of the few megaliths attributed to history of the Hmar tribe. This stone,
located at Patpuihmun village 
in Hmar Hills, Manipur, sported several holes supposedly created 
with arrow heads. Legend has it that it the holes were the 
pierced by the arrows of 
Lalruong, the legendary hero in Hmar folktales.

Lalruong Lungkap is one of the few megaliths attributed to history of the Hmar tribe. 
As seen on  June 2013. Photo contributed by HK Loma


Jan 2019:

 A tiny shed with tin roof with iron poles have been constructed by local MLA Dr Chaltonlien Amo.

However, it still lacks an iron grill to protect the stone from miscreants or from the public.

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